A system engineering workbench for the modeling and analysis of all your system data - with a scalable database, integrated visualization and a powerful API
Enhanced ModelingnForge enhanced modeling improves the system development and sustainment operations by
Programmable AdaptersnForge maintains its own Graph model, onto which multiple datasets and models are mapped via adapters. Adapters have been deployed for C++ source code, Microsoft Excel sheets, XML format files, as well as nVision, nTrace and nLoad datasets. Experimental adapters for UML, SysML and AADL and corresponding tools exist, and we are seeking motivated customer funding. Custom adapters can be created using nForge API.
Queries and VisualizationnForge includes an Application Programming Interface (API) using which powerful custom queries and visualizations can be created. nForge API can be programmed in Java, Javascript, Groovy, Python, or nForge Language. In addition, the nForge API makes the entire Apache Gremlin graph traversal language available, using which highly scalable graphs can be created, manipulated and visualized.
Interactive visualization and navigation of system design and test dataThe screen image below is representative of an "integrated view" created by parsing C++ source code, importing signal databases, lab test results, and allocation strategies. This data is still all maintained in separate Excel and XML files, but has been made highly navigable.